

    Legal HQ

    136, via Baldo degli Ubaldi, Rome, Italy

    Operative HQ

    384-386, via Baldo degli Ubaldi, Rome, Italy

    Phone number

    (39) 06.8897.8019

    Segr.Tel. per lasciare un messaggio

    (39) 06.9295.7265

    We are very close to the Vatican City and the Civil Court of Rome.

    You can reach us:

    – by national train, from Termini or Tiburtina by Metro to “Valle Aurelia” stop and then 50 meters on foot;
    – by regional train, Rome-Capranica-Viterbo railway to “Valle Aurelia” stop and then 50 meters on foot;
    – by Metro to “Valle Aurelia” stop and then 50 meters on foot